Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 719 - Great to be the Principal!

Chapter 719: Great to be the Principal!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The space program, from theory to successful realization, had elevated Xiao Fei’s influence to the peak, almost to the point where she collected so many medals that she sprained her hand. Countless television broadcast invites, which Xiao Fei used to dismiss readily had flooded her. But now she could not help it. As a principal, she had a mission to wave her school’s banner proudly. After a busy period, she had finally returned to a peaceful life. A pretty girl always had an advantage, and Ares College’s influence recently had grown.

Luckily the program was completed, and Xiao Fei had allocated rest time as well. Since research had no endpoint, she could not drive herself so strictly. On the contrary, Xiao Fei had been taking it very easy for some time now, traveling, learning the piano... Xiao Fei’s piano skills would offend even the gods and demons themselves.

“Wang Zheng, what sort of expression is this? Don’t I play well?” Xiao Fei asked smilingly.

Her dear student had returned, and of course she had to be concerned. As a result, Wang Zheng had been forced to stay at Xiao Fei’s place.

The Ares College principal’s status was not low, and a personal villa was given. There were many rooms as well. Ever since Wang Zheng had entered Elite Academy, his dorm room was of course let out.

“Sounds... good.” Wang Zheng said through his teeth. This was definitely so good he felt like dying.

“Like I said, a genius can do anything. When I was young, I wanted to learn ballet and piano, but neither succeeded,” Xiao Fei said. Wang Zheng could not help glancing at Xiao Fei’s generous bust. Surely that was unsuited for ballet?

“Little pervert, where are you looking at?” Xiao Fei teased.

Wang Zheng stood up, and suddenly seized Xiao Fei’s waist. She tensed visibly, and her eyes gave off a deeply affectionate look. “Dear Professor Xiao Fei, please do not seduce me. If my inner beast acts up, you’re finished.”

Saying thus, he patted Xiao Fei’s cheek. “I’m going out. No need to wait for me for dinner.”

His acting was perfect, only... he ran away too fast.

Xiao Fei touched her cheek absently. This rascal actually dared to tease her. He had become bold.

Wang Zheng called this ‘he who strikes first, wins’. Always being teased by Xiao Fei was intolerable.

This was not about control, it was about one’s nature.

The school grounds had not changed too much. The neat rows of parasol trees were still lively and proud, although he did not recognize the students anymore, and those that recognized him were rare as well.

Time really diluted everything. Some people were chatting about some competition. Something about the most handsome one.

Wang Zheng wandered for a bit, then called Chen Xiu’s Skylink. “Where you at? Treat me to dinner.”

Chen Xiu was taken aback. Who was this, to ask for a dinner treat straight off the bat... That voice...”Ah! Brother Zheng, you’re back?”

“Yup, I’m in school. Is Ailun around?”

“Brother Ailun has something on and isn’t back yet. Haha, where are you now? I’ll go over immediately!”

Chen Xiu immediately leapt up, and rushed out of the dormitory. In truth, he had changed much as well. He had grown up now, and was somebody famous in the school.

When he met Chen Xiu, he almost did not recognize him. “D*mn, you punk, you really grew. Late puberty, huh?”

After he spoke, he gave Chen Xiu a big hug. “Brother Zheng, that’s completely acceptable at my age, you know.”

Wang Zheng just remembered that Chen Xiu was actually much younger than them. He was a child prodigy, and now had grown up.

“Senior Chen Xiu, if you have time tomorrow, would you like to come to the club? Everybody misses you.”

Three girls had rushed up to ask him after standing at the side for a while.

Chen Xiu smiled. “My friend is visiting. How about this. Next week I’ll definitely go once.”

“Senior, we’ll be waiting for you!” The three girls left, delighted, their eyes full of admiration.

Wang Zheng was grinning at the side. “Oh wow, look how much somebody has grown.”

“Keke, that’s not it. Those are juniors from our spatial physics interest group.” Chen Xiu was better than the rest, and had not descended into being a beast. “That’s right. Where is Brother Shan?”

“He went home first, but he might come after a while. That’s right. Your sisters are still on his mind. If any of them is still single, how about considering him?”

“Right, right. But perhaps his charms are lacking. If Brother Zheng makes a move though, you could get all three,” Chen Xiu hurriedly said. Sigh, this poor child had been bullied by his pretty sisters for too long. He hoped someone could come and take them all away!

Wang Zheng was amused as well. To have such a prodigy as a younger brother must be something else too.

“... Meng Tian and Runan aren’t back?”

“Nope, aren’t you in contact?” Chen Xiu asked curiously.

“Um. Not in the same system.” Wang Zheng replied. Elite Academy and Milky Way Military College’s schedules should be synchronized, but clearly Meng Tian had not returned yet.

“Brother Zheng, how long are you back for? We need to have a proper meet up this time!”

“Should be a while.” Wang Zheng said. Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu were all on Tita Star, and it was said to be eyeballing the program’s development. Wang Zheng going over this time round was also to see if there was anything he could help with. But that was not very urgent. After all, it was extra.

The Abyss incident had made Wang Zheng feel like he wanted to treasure the life he lived even more, besides achieving his goals. Even a day spent doing nothing was an experience.

Perhaps in a few years, everyone would scatter to do their own thing, and who knew where Chen Xiu and the rest would end up.

“Oh, is Old Deer still commentating?” Wang Zheng asked.

“Yes, although he’s coming on less often now. He’s mostly working behind the scenes now, and forcing Ailun to take his place.” Chen Xiu said. “Brother Ailun is really popular nowadays.”

“Haha, that’s a good thing. Looks like he’s embarking on the entertainment path of no return. Does that guy have a girlfriend yet?”

“Brother Ailun is still single. Brother Zheng, you look like you haven’t changed much.”

“Is that right? Well, plenty has changed.” Chen Xiu pestered Wang Zheng for a story. He loved to hear about Wang Zheng’s risky exploits, the likes of which he would never experience.

Chen Xiu just wanted to graduate smoothly, and perhaps find a job, become a Professor, or continue research. But he would not live the life of danger like Wang Zheng, or in the spotlight like Yao Ailun. But he was happy to know such friends.

Wang Zheng was almost like telling a story to a kid.

In another place, Yao Ailun was a little troubled. This was a high level competition that Old Deer had organized, a 3v3 PK (Player Kill) competition consisting of well-known analysts teamed up with mystery guests.

Recently, the commentary competition had been intense. Old Deer’s history was definitely the longest. As CT’s influence grew larger and larger, the analysts were also like celebrities. And Old Deer’s organized events were great successes, and he had left the stage in glory. He rarely showed his face now, leaving the stage to the younger ones.

Yao Ailun was definitely one of the popular ones. His professional data-analysis approach was popular with university students, and had been named the annual most popular CT commentator among university students.

CT wanted to increase its popularity as well. Besides professional players’ competitions, it had attracted quite a few e-sports celebrities, whose standard was not bad. These were simply to build networks.

One commentator, one professional pro, and a mystery guest.

The professional players were easy. Ailun had already established a connection with Prince, whose status in the CT circle was unquestionable. He was also the longest competitive player, and had plenty of reputation and fame.

But the mystery guest, this was a headache. He did not know many people from the entertainment industry.

And the commentary competition was very intense. When there was an industry, there was growing competition. Popularity was not confined to just Yao Ailun alone.

“Oh? Isn’t this our superstar Ailun? Why aren’t you headed back yet? Could it be that you’re brooding about being unable to find a mystery guest? Stop hesitating and go beg Old Deer. He will definitely introduce someone to you.”

“Haha, Brother Mu, he can only go the ‘Father’ route now.”

“Mu Guang! Do you have a problem?” Yao Ailun said coldly.

“What’s wrong? You wanna fight? I heard you’re from Ares College. Ooh, scary.”

Yao Ailun clenched his fists tightly. He walked away from a bunch of people jeering at him. In this period, he had clearly felt that part-time and full-time were completely different things. When doing it part-time, nobody took him seriously, but when he turned pro, he was infringing on their own benefits. Old Deer had treated him very well, but some things needed to be handled by himself.

“What? Wang Zheng is back? Alright! I’ll go over immediately!” Yao Ailun’s mood lifted. In front of Chen Xiu, Ailun would not talk about his troubles. Besides, Chen Xiu thought that Ailun right now was unbelievably cool, although life could not be such a bed of roses. Besides he was a late convert. Before, he had been partnered with Old Deer, who handled everything. And he had just been an amateur. But things were different now.

But thinking of his old friend come back, his worries floated away with the clouds.

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