Mystical Journey

Chapter 929 - Hope 1

Chapter 929: Hope 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Heh... here here. Yes! Throw it over here.”

A few tow truck drivers were maneuvering their vehicles as they tried to throw the Mech’s arm into the pile of garbage mountain.

At the edge of the garbage mountain just outside the Dawn City, tow trucks were transferring the remains from the horrible incident in the city to the garbage mountain.

It formed mountains of garbages that were waiting to be burnt.

The black tow truck pulled a Mech that was beyond repair, and threw it into the pile of rubbish. Then, it turned around and left the area. The whole area was now quiet.

Although this area is just on the edge of the region radioactive belt, it was already considered as within the radioactive belt. Before the garbage was burnt off, these garbage mountains were the main income of the radioactive people. In order to occupy these garbage mountains, many small-scale attacks had emerged in the radioactive people’s town that was nearby this area. In the end, a small town called Lion had successfully obtained the ownership in this area.

The morning sky gradually turned into an evening sky. from the horizon, a convoy drove by the radioactive people slowly came into view. As the radiation was at the lowest during evening hours, it was the time where the radioactive people were the most active.

The convoy was greyish-black, and it mainly consisted of motorbikes and trucks. Most of the radioactive people wore leather shirts, leather pants, and a pair of windproof glasses. They were tall and muscular, carrying guns and bullets on their back.

“Look kids! It’s the latest Mech from the region! Hahaha! We finally have something to work with!” The bald, and muscular leader laughed happily. He looked ecstatic as he looked at the newly formed garbage mountain.

“I hope there’s a well-conditioned life support system since the one we had was broken beyond repair!” A red-haired ponytail woman said with a grass stick in her mouth.

“Big Sis’s habit of sleeping naked still hasn’t changed at all! Haha!” The man in the convoy teased.

“Come after me if you have the balls!” The red-haired woman pointed a middle finger towards her back. “You’re trash if you’re just all talks!”

“I don’t think the person who dares to go after you have yet to be born!” The crowd in the convoy laughed as if they weren’t fazed at all.


The woman looked at the pile of garbages that was far away as she scanned through the eye-catching remains of the Mechs. “It looks like something big had happened in the region. These were all military grade Mechs and they’re destroyed to this state.”

Baldy nodded in agreement.

“It looks like they were destroyed by some strong torsion, and shear stress instead of firearms.”

Soon, the convoy arrived at the foot of the garbage mountains. All of them got down of the car, and wore their Half Mechanical Arms that could boost their strength. They then proceed to disassemble the Mechs for useful materials and parts.

The red-haired woman operated the mechanical arm without any expression. Then, she naturally disassembled the parts. Her movements and techniques were so natural that it would put the mechanical experts from the region to shame. This amazing skill of hers was trained in the radiation belt since she was young. These pair of mechanical arms could not only be used to tear the Mech apart, it could be used to tear a person apart too!

Her name was East Perrin. She’s the leader of Leo City, largest within the Dawn City. On the other hand, Baldy was her assistant. Regardless if it was physical or intellectual attributes, no radiation people could hope to match them if they did not undergo education or training.

East Perrin tore down the parts naturally as she observed the others’ actions. Occasionally, she would comment on her underling’s techniques. This sight was incredibly rare among the radiation people. Compared to the other cities, Leo City was one of the extreme minority of the radiation people who teamed up, and worked alongside each other. Although their quantity wasn’t large, they were extremely united. More so, they enjoyed everything together, including having a feast. It could be considered a miracle in the deserted radiation where food was more valuable than gold.

All these were made possible because of East Perrin’s leadership.

As East Perrin was tearing down the Mechs and instructing her underling, her hand suddenly jolted as if she had encountered a part that couldn’t be torn apart.

She regained her focus, and looked at the item in front of her. It was thick, big, and completely black like a dirty black wooden pile. There was even a thin slit where missiles would fire out from.

“Part of the leg?”

East Perrin popped her hands out from the mechanical arms, and touched the item with her bare hands. A sudden sensation of frost radiated from the part and into her bone, causing her to sneeze loudly.

“How could it be this cold?” A hint of excitement started to show on her face. She had been disassembling Mech’s parts for quite a long time now. Occasionally, she would encounter a unique and powerful weapon that was similar to the Quick Frost Bomb. Perhaps this would be one of those Quick Frost Bomb that was yet to be discovered.

After pondering for a while, she attempted to cut away the Mech’s leg through the small gap in the missile’s chamber. Unfortunately, the small gap was frozen with an incredibly tough ice, and she was unable to cut it away.

She then decided to carry the whole part up before she threw it into the truck behind her.

“This is mine and no one can touch this! It may be very dangerous!” She ordered. After that, she continued to search through among the trash.

It only took them awhile to search through everything, and the convoy left the area afterwards.

Approximately an hour later, a fleet of black soldiers flew out from the region, to the pile of garbages to conduct a thorough research.

“I’ve said this before, who do you think would know when this pile of garbages was disposed here? How is it possible for someone to hide inside the remains of a Mech. These were garbages that were about to be burnt to crisps,” A soldier complained frustratingly from within.

“Let’s not care about it that much and follow the orders,” Another soldier said softly. “This is Lord Biochemist’s order. We’re fine as long as Lord Fila doesn’t find out.”

“I understand.”

The group of people then took out the Biochemist’s life detector, and started scanning the surrounding.

Only a small portion of the remains of the Mech was taken away earlier by the convoy. As the majority of the parts were still here, and the damage done to the Mechs were extremely severe, no one could determine which parts were taken away.

“Say, why do you think Lord Biochemist is so concerned about a wounded man?”

“Who knows. I heard that this patient has a strong physical characteristic that was similar to a radiation people. So his corpse has a high research value.”

The group of people scanned the area as they discussed. However, they didn’t manage to find anything, so they had no choice but to go back empty-handed.

Far away inside an invisible flying ship.

Bamente, the Biochemist frowned as he stared in that direction.

“Perhaps I have guessed wrongly? Is that mutant really Nonosiva?”

He lowered his head as he looked at the genetic report, recalling that a merely wounded soldier could push him, who possessed a Level Five Willpower away with that mysterious strength... He was getting excited as his instinct told him that if he was able to find the source of this strength, it would lead him to a path of unrivaled strength.

He had already known that something was off during the test. Although he suspected that there could be someone hiding inside the remains of the Mech, he didn’t voice out. Instead, he told someone to transport the debris to this location. Unfortunately, Fila wasted his time by asking a few questions, causing him not to be the first one to reach the area.

After the scanning team had left the area, he got down from the flying ship personally with his scanning equipment. He then scanned the whole area on his own.

Again, he didn’t find anything.

“Looks like that mutant was really a mutated Nonosiva...” He gave a sigh of relief as he looked extremely disappointed. “What a waste... That man is nowhere to be found. Once the gene has decayed, the information within the gene would become a mess. It would be as difficult as finding liquid substance inside a pile of ashes if I want to obtain anything useful from it.”

Feeling extremely disappointed, he turned around, headed back to the invisible ship, and left the area.


“What? He’s nowhere to be found?!” Fila frowned as he stared at the underling who reported the situation.

“Rumor has it that he became that overpowered mutated monster. Although we didn’t find any genetic link from that monster, the only explanation is that Nonosiva has turned into that wild monster that destroyed the whole team,” The underling replied softly.

Inside the office, Fila threw the pen in his hand into the pen holder as he opened the document in front of him. He then fiddled with his hair using his fingers.

“Then, what happened to that monster?”

“It was severely injured by the Black-Clothed General who was guarding the area, and escaped into the radiation belt. Since half of its body was torn apart, it might not live for long,” The underling immediately replied. “According to the Lord Black-Clothed General, that monster shows no sign of intelligence. He only knows how to create chaos. It would kill anything on sight, and does not care for anything else. Sometimes, it would even try to eat the corpse.”

“According to the genetic scientists’ report that was submitted later, the monster’s strength has a limit. Its strength relies on a large scale, one-time use of burning his body’s potential to unleash his true strength. It’s equivalent to burning its own life force. According to the intensity, it can only live for four days at most before its genes are destroyed. With that, it would die.”

He continued speaking.

“We’ve obtained a huge amount of cards that stored the Universal Units from Nonosiva’s house. We also found a contract agreement to purchase the Rainbow Stones, and Refined Fuel Powder. In addition to that, we also found some good antiques and a captain-ranked model Mech in his garage.”

“What about the incomplete Exclusive Mech from the White Dragon’s Base?” Fila was most concerned about this as the cheapest Exclusive Mech was still much more expensive than a typical Mech. It was the main item of value.

“It was obtained by the Black Flood Party when they intercepted our men outside of the house,” The underling said helplessly.

“Whatever. This incident ends here. A crippled will be of no threat to us even if he survives.” Fila gestured his hand to tell the underling to leave the room.

After the underling left, he sat back in his seat, and looked at the document that was half organized. After that, he took out a projector and a laptop, in which the former projected out a holographic keyboard as he typed swiftly on it.

Soon, he entered a colorful pornographic website. As he clicked swiftly, seemingly at random, the webpage suddenly turned black, revealing a cold and pale old man with white hair.

“The plan is almost done and according to schedule. All we need is your order,” Fila said respectfully.

“All the penetrations are completed?” The old man asked in a deep tone.

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