Mystical Journey

Chapter 926 - Bureau 2

Chapter 926: Bureau 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Garen’s strength became limp and much weaker after being shaken by the impact. It was utterly impossible for him to kick Bamente off completely. It was clear that the other man had undergone genetic strengthening as his vitality was extremely strong. The combined strength of these three people would be enough to press the struggling Garen down firmly.

The sky blue colored Willpower that was twice as strong as his own was finally collected together before it charged towards Garen’s brain immediately.

“Trying to kill me? In your dreams!!” In the depths of Garen’s soul, the ancient Nine-Headed Dragon’s Will roared suddenly and rushed out immediately from the depths behind the two Soul Seeds like a great soul storm that rolled towards the defense in his mind violently.


Within moments, it seemed like the terrifying roars of invisible beasts inside his mind had shaken the entire hospital room.

There was a brief crashing noise.

The sky blue colored Willpower crashed against the Soul Seed’s defense in his mind violently and broke it to pieces. It collided brutally against the Nine-Headed Dragon’s Will that came rolling out.


It seemed as if Bamente had been hit by a train from the front. His body was sent flying backwards and he crashed against the wall behind the sick bed painfully before releasing loud banging noises. Fresh blood sputtered out of his mouth continuously.

Flashes of gold twinkled in Garen’s eyes before they rolled backwards when he fell unconscious.

The two other people were rendered helpless by the tremendous changes and tremors.

“Doctor! Doctor!!” Celine gritted her teeth and hurriedly pressed the alerting alarm bell in her hand.

Meanwhile, the other man supported Bamente who was still continuously spitting blood.

“I can’t treat his sickness... Go!” Bamente squeezed out his last words before leaning against the other man and leaving the hospital room quickly.

After some frenzied rescuing that occurred soon after, Garen was sent to the emergency room for two whole hours before he was taken back to his hospital room again. After seeing that his complexion had returned to normal, Celine’s breathing became calm again and only then did she allow herself to sigh in relief slowly.

Garen had awakened slowly now as well but his face was unusually contorted.

More than half of his internal injuries that had healed earlier had become even worse now. After this impactful collision, the sky blue colored Willpower dispersed throughout every inch of his body. Shrouds of it now existed within all of his injuries. Other than his head which was protected by the Nine-Headed Dragon’s Will, it was extremely difficult for him to move the other parts of his body.

He only said one sentence when he noticed Celine who was keeping guard outside the emergency room.

“That Bamente tried to kill me!”

Celine’s expression changed immediately. She had realized that something was amiss much earlier. However, since the other person was a biochemist, she assumed that he had certain strange treatment measures that no one knew about. She had been enduring it patiently all this while but once Garen had confirmed it now, she finally discovered that there was something that was actually not right with that person.

“Was it Fila?!”

“It could be a Divine Wind General as well. It’s even likely that it’s someone that I offended in the past,” said Garen calmly. The Nine-Headed Dragon’s Will was purely a soul ability. If the other person’s intentions had not infiltrated his mind, it would not have activated the Nine-Headed Dragon’s instinctive defense consciousness. However, collisions like these caused him to become extremely exhausted.

“There are a lot of people who want me dead.”

Once Garen had returned to his hospital room, he sat down and leaned against the bed with Celine’s support.

Celine’s expression was pained as well. She had not expected an outcome like this either.

“I won’t let anyone come near you!” she said firmly.

“You can’t guard against it forever,” Garen shook his head. “This place isn’t safe anymore. From today onwards, don’t let anyone besides yourself and Professor approach me.”

“Alright,” Celine nodded solemnly.

“I won’t be using these medications either. Get my people to surround this place,” said Garen calmly. “Tell Professor about this information. Perhaps he will have a plan.”

“I’ll make a call immediately,” Celine stood up and said.


In the surroundings of the hospital in Dawn City where Garen was currently located, within the circles of buildings and streams of people, one could vaguely see a few mysterious people that were dressed in normal clothing who were unconsciously gazing in the direction of the hospital.

Most of these mysterious people had bulges around their waists as if they had stuffed items there.

Inside the hall of a residential building near the hospital.

Two men were standing in front of the window and looking towards the hospital window where Nonosiva was located from afar.

“I was about to make a move when I was shaken and forced backwards by something. It’s very likely that it was the life-saving object that Van Doe had given him,” said the man with the thick eyebrows and big eyes softly while holding the curtains with his right hand. He was the biochemist Bamente who had tried to cure Garen earlier.

“If you were forced to return with serious injuries as well, he will definitely be unable to use that object again. If a Level Five biochemist like yourself was injured by the aftereffects of the tremors, a wounded person like himself probably sustained injuries that are even worse than yours,” said another man, smiling. “Our manpower has been prepared. The military’s garrison has informed us that everything has been arranged in order. Once we’ve received the message from Van Doe’s side, we will move out immediately.”

“Then the little bastard is dead for sure. Five Shining Mechs and more than twenty Level Four Captain Level machine soldiers. Tch tch, they’ve been disguised the acts of normal terrorists. This scale is truly great!” praised Bamente.

“The few Level Four Mech Pilots that Celine assembled will not be able to stand a single blow. However, we should wait awhile before commencing. The follow-up preparations should be completed soon,” said the man softly while smiling.


Blackboard Inner Courtyard

Van Doe put the phone down with a pained look on his face and glared at the blonde man in front of him.

“You’re saying that Nono’s Willpower has collapsed completely?!”

“According to the information that was sent back, that is true,” the man nodded. “Moreover, according to the investigation of the Intelligence Bureau, it’s very likely that Nonosiva possesses the related characteristics of radioactive people.”

“Radioactive people!”

Van Doe glared at the man in front of him firmly before his gaze blinked occasionally.

“Professor, what do we do now?” asked the man quietly.

“Are you saying that his Willpower is completely destroyed? There’s no hope of restoring it?” asked Van Doe softly while lowering his head.

“I’m afraid so. The Seventh Divine Wind General’s Willpower that remained in him will completely absorb the Crouched Eagle Talon’s Willpower that he obtained from training. If he doesn’t get rid of the remaining Willpower first, he will be unable to practice the Crouched Eagle Talon. Moreover, it will be even harder for him improve the skills of the Black Wind. He will either need at least three years to get rid of it or he will need an Inherited Level powerhouse to help him dispel it constantly. Professor, if I may speak frankly, we cannot pay this price for an individual who may only grow into a genius. It’s not worth it.”

The blonde man continued to advise him, “Some compensation resources have been sent over from the Seventh Divine Wind General’s side. We don’t have to intensify the conflict with them because of a future genius anymore.”

He paused before saying, “Nonosiva has become useless.”

After hesitating for a long time, Van Doe exhaled a long breath.

“What a shame... A genius like this...” His eyelids drooped slowly.

The blonde man knew that once these words were said, it meant that his teacher had truly given up on Nonosiva completely.

This powerful genius of humble birth had finally been forced into an abyss after offending too many people that he should not have provoked.


“What?! The military has instructed the units urgently and transferred them forward to the radiation belt for their missions?! What kind of joke is this?!” Celine could not help but roar angrily while standing in the corridor of the hospital.

They possessed the combat strength of a perfect unit! Their lowest level members would be Level Three Mech Pilots at least. Other than Garen, the highest ones would be peak Level Fours. Did the military actually transfer orders and compel these forces to leave for their mission immediately by assigning them to another place?

Did they actually send them to another place during this key moment when they needed to protect their strength? Could their intentions be any more obvious?!

Unsuppressible rage boiled in Celine’s mind.

“I’m very sorry, this is an order from the headquarters and there’s nothing we can do about it either.” The person in charge at the defense base answered her coldly and briefly before disconnecting the call immediately.

Celine’s face had turned bright red with rage. She dialed the phone number of a close uncle who was the head of their household. Unfortunately, the line could not connect.

“Celine,” a masculine shout echoed behind her.

Celine turned around and saw the captain of her household’s external bodyguard team who was an honest and sedate middle-aged man named Hann.

“What’s the matter, Hann?” Celine tried her best to suppress the negative emotions in her mind. She asked casually, “Didn’t I ask all of you to stand guard outside?”

“I’m very sorry... An order came from the household to tell us that we must return immediately,” said Hann quietly while lowering his head helplessly.

Celine’s pupils contracted.

“Who gave that order?!”

“Your father, Master Cameron...” answered Hann softly.


“Damn!!” Celine’s fist smashed against the hospital wall, forming a little hollow pit there.

Her mind was filled with chaos. It was obvious that the other party was gaining momentum by doing all of this. They were stripping them of all their protective layers in preparation for their final move.

“What do we do?!!” Her mind was a disorderly mess. She did not know how to counter her enemy’s moves at all.

From the situation that was revealed from the previous phone call, it seemed as though Nono’s professor might have given up as well. The pressure from the other party resembled a tidal wave that was huge and could oppress others to the point of suffocation.

The staff that were keeping guard outside were mainly the household’s bodyguard units that she had arranged to be placed there. Once they were disabled, the entire hospital would lose all of its defensive strength at once!

“Your father’s intentions were for you to return with him as well.” Hann’s voice echoed over again.

“Get lost!!”

Suddenly, Celine yelled angrily.

“Get lost, all of you!! It won’t make any difference if I guard this place by my damn self!” She was slightly hysterical now. Celine flung the surgical cotton in her hands everywhere and walked briskly before running towards Garen’s hospital room.

She needed transfer Nono and get him out of here immediately!


Suddenly, a shadow flashed behind her and hit the back of her neck gently.

“Who?!” Unexpectedly, Celine turned her body and dodged it while her elbow struck behind her quickly. She moved her other hand backwards like a whip rapidly and hit the neck of the oncoming person!

“Twelve Flying Dragon Hand!!”

Through Garen’s guidance, she was able to suddenly use the Twelve Flying Dragon Fist that she had reformed. Her blade-like hand turned into a large cluster of shadows but were continuously dodged by the person behind her immediately.

That person dodged her frantically and finally increased the distance between them suddenly.

“It’s me! Celine!” A low but dignified voice could be heard.

“Uncle?!” Celine was shocked when she noticed the other man’s face suddenly.

Immediately, a strong Willpower assault surged over violently. Celine felt her mind turning black before she became unaware of anything else.

The person who had arrived lifted her on his shoulder and rushed towards Hann and glanced at him coldly.

“Evacuate everyone immediately! This place is extremely dangerous!”

“Yes!” Hann forced a smile.


Inside the hospital ward

Garen lay on the sickbed quietly. Celine had left a long time ago, more than half an hour in fact. These days, she had never left for more than fifteen minutes. However, more than half an hour had already passed...

The entire hospital was completely empty. There were no noises at all as if there were no more human voices left for now. It seemed as though the doctors and nurses that were always walking around had disappeared as well.

“Am I the only one left?”

Garen murmured softly and turned his head to look out of the window. This hospital was once a private hospital while Dawn City was an unassuming small town. It would be too easy if the other party wanted to evacuate the area.

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