Mystical Journey

Chapter 900 - Worsen 2

Chapter 900: Worsen 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“So many!!!” even Anda was shocked by the contents of the cave before him. “No one would even sell one of these Mastery Energy Ores on the market for less than ten million Units... I wouldn’t be able to use all of these either...”

There were more than a thousand pieces in front of him here!

Layers upon layers of blue rectangular brick-like objects were stacked on each other. At a glance, he could tell that there were at least ten thousand of them!

“I’m rich!!! I’m rich!!! Hahaha!!” Anda leaped over while laughing maniacally. He jumped into the pile of Mastery Energy Ores and rolled about.

Garen’s heart was currently involuntarily pounding in his chest as well. He had experienced many worlds but had never seen riches worth hundred of billions in front of him at one time. His emotions became slightly stressed as well. These things were items that were needed by Inherited Level Mech Pilots were always in short supply!

“Stop wasting time and take as many as you carry quickly. Go immediately!” although he did not know how Anda had discovered such a hidden mining spot, the most important task right now was to take all of these riches away hurriedly!

“You’re right!” Anda forced himself to suppress his emotions and calm down slightly. Although his sight was still tinted by feelings of unsuppressable frenzy, at least he was much better now than when he was dizzy with success earlier.

A problem had emerged. How would they be able to take all of these Mastery Energy Ores away when they were so many of them?

The Inherited Level Mech Pilots were the only ones who were authorized to use Space Equipment while the others with lower level Willpower did not have the same right and could only carry them with their hands.

If they planned on using both of their Mechs to lift all ten thousand pieces of Mastery Energy Ores, they were merely looking down on these little Mastery Energy Ores as the weight of these items were actually three times heavier than energy batteries!

The weight of more than ten thousand pieces was simply terrifying.

A box of one hundred energy batteries would weigh almost one hundred kilograms while more than ten thousand energy batteries would weigh over ten thousand kilograms!! They would weigh almost ten tonnes, while the Mastery Energy Ores were three times heavier!

The current amount weighed almost one hundred tonnes...

A hundred tonnes!

After converting the weight, Anda was not the only one who seized the items maniacally. Despite possessing physical fitness that greatly surpassed that of regular people, Garen’s eyelids began to twitch wildly. If his body could reach an average of thirty points, he could consider this, but now...

“Take as much as you can!” Garen stepped forward determinedly, jumped down from his Mech at once and began to carry piles of Mastery Energy Ores into his Cockpit. He added more energy batteries into his Mech worriedly and filled up his slightly depleted energy resources once again.

Unfortunately, he could only carry a few hundred pieces before he was exhausted. Without Space Equipment, these things were far too dense to the point where their weight would overload most Mechs. Garen’s Mech was Blackboard’s outstanding military system Mech. It was a Captain Level Mech that given to squad captains like himself as its functions were slightly more powerful than regular Blackboard Mechs. However, once it was filled with three hundred pieces of Mastery Energy Ores, he could only lament helplessly and look on while leaving the rest of this big pile of riches behind.

Meanwhile, Anda was could not bear it at all. After carrying more than ten pieces with much difficulty, he began panting from exhaustion. His Mech frequently reminded him that there were insufficient resources for the journey back. When its weight increased greatly, the Mech would use up even more resources. However, he had not taken enough energy batteries earlier...

Both of them finally suppressed the greedy intentions in their minds and backed out of the cave. After exchanging glances with the other man, Garen grabbed a rock before flinging it inside both furiously and precisely. It struck the automatic cooling unit inside coincidentally.

A clicking noise could be heard as the cooling unit leaked gas slowly. It released a large amount of unknown white gas before the temperature inside the cave rose rapidly.

“What a shame... Truly,” Anda shook his head and sighed. Once the Mastery Energy Ores were removed as individual pieces, if they were not stored at low temperatures, they would become deformed and deteriorate before becoming another useless metal. Moreover, they would also release a lot of heat energy.

“We don’t know how long these Mastery Energy Ores have been stored here because there are so many of them. If we destroyed all of them at once, Nottingham would definitely go insane with anger!” he laughed sadistically.

Garen turned around at once and flew along the path they had come by.

“Let’s go!”

“Hey, wait up! I might not have enough energy batteries and I don’t think I can make the journey back after traveling for some time. I was hoping that you could share some of your energy batteries with me. After all, I found this place so a little request like this wouldn’t be too much, right?” Anda took the opportunity to bring up his requests.

“I’ll give you ten pieces for one Mastery Energy Ore of the same size,” Garen answered casually.

“What the?! You’re robbing me!! One energy battery is sold for only ten Universal Units on the market!!! You’re crazy if you’re trying to take advantage of my bad luck!!” Anda cried angrily.

“The energy batteries now and the energy batteries then are different, no?”

Two Mechs flew further away and disappeared into the sky quickly.

Almost half an hour later, a white Great Light Mech flew towards the entrance of the cave quickly.

Nottingham was slightly bruised while the surface of her Mech was covered with traces of corrosion.

“Damn you, Black Flood Party! Just you wait! Sooner or later...” she said before continuously cursing bitterly.

“I need to move the hidden ores away,” during the period of time when she had discovered the Mastery Energy Ores, she had begun to reduce the production rate of the ores secretly. In order to evade paying heavy taxes to the organization, she had quietly hidden more than half of their production numbers. She did not dare to put these hidden ores in her own base so she formed a cave beside the mine and hid them there instead. She had taken half of these ores previously to refurbish her Mech completely and was confident that she would enter the next level. When she heard that there were issues in the mines this time, she rushed over in a panic because she was worried about the large number of personal ores that she had concealed there!

These ores had been stockpiled there for almost half a year! Most Mastery Energy Ores would be exhausted in half a year. In other words, these hidden ores made up at least half of the mine’s entire worth!

“I’ll return once I’ve taken the ores quickly. I should be able to pound and smelt them to the next stage. Wait for me to enter the Great Light realm, Anlusa! Hehehe...” Nottingham laughed coldly while being filled with bloodthirsty thoughts.

She had entrusted her hopes in these mineral reserves for more than half a year. They were also important safeguards that could guarantee her future promotions. Furthermore, a lot of her blood, sweat, and tears had gone into concealing these great riches.

Suddenly, she could see a large hole in the wall of the mountain from afar. Uneasy feelings rose in her heart faintly.

Her Mech accelerated and flew over quickly before landing in front of the cave.

“This... This is...!!!” she looked at the hole in the damaged mountain wall blankly. It was completely empty on the inside. All of the Mastery Energy Ores had released frighteningly hot temperatures after they had melted, causing the entire cave to glow bright red.

“My ores...” she collapsed with a ‘plop’. She had initially planned to take all of the Mastery Energy Ores back with her when she returned after killing everyone else. Without proper cooling measures, these things would not be able to freeze quickly. Instead, they would release a large amount of hot air rapidly and destroy themselves automatically.

She had initially planned to pick a jumping spot and return right after visiting the mines.

However, now... Now... Everything was gone!

Nottingham’s pupils shrunk immediately as a disheartened look appeared on her face.


She lifted her head upwards suddenly and yelled angrily. She felt as if her heart had been painfully smashed by a hammer.

Blood surged through her veins as she shouted.


A circle of white light exploded suddenly with her at the center. It seemed as though thunder had exploded throughout the ground. There was a crashing noise as a large crack appeared in her surroundings. A grey pillar pierced through the sky and collapsed abruptly while scattering everywhere. Moments later, it formed a huge sandstorm that covered a distance of a few hundred meters!!


Inside a tattered, abandoned, and unmanned little house

Clint’s body was covered with painful injuries. Famished and thirsty, he cradled Baylon in his arms while carefully hiding in the shadows by the wall below the window inside the house.

“When will Lonnie wake up, Lord Red Moon?”

“How could you be so stupid! I’m not a human so how would I know when she would awaken?!”

“Then will the people from White Light continue to chase us?” Clint thought carefully for a moment before asking a different question.

“There’s something wrong with your brain! I’m not a White Light member so how would I know if they’re going to chase us?!” said Red Moon impatiently.

“So what should we do now?” asked Clint in a slightly guilty tone.

“Could you be any stupider?! I’m not you, so how would I be able to tell you what to do now?!” Red Moon yelled.

He had tried to contact Nonosiva numerous times continuously. Unfortunately, the disturbances were too great and the connection was always intermittent and ineffective. Every time he tried to speak clearly, the line would disconnect automatically. Until now, he was unable to send a single message clearly.

This filled him with even more fury.

“But... our food... is about to run out soon...” the scoldings had caused Clint to hang his head extremely low.

“You are basically as brainless as a damn pig! Do you know how pigs die? They did from stupidity!!” Red Moon was fuming with anger.

“I wouldn’t be able to magnify my Lord’s exceptional intelligence if it wasn’t for my stupidity,” Clint had decided to abandon his principles after being scolded numerous times.

Red Moon was in a daze.

“Damn! When did this guy learn to speak like this?”

After being interrupted by Clint, the fury in Red Moon’s mind subsided slightly. He truly felt that it was wrong to vent his anger on Clint whenever he encountered trouble. He decided to make it up to him properly.

“It’s not a big issue that you’re lacking food now. You must know that there are still many edible things in the radiation belt. As long as you understand basic biochemistry and botany principles, you can survive in the radiation belt safely. However, I must mention beforehand that this is a matter of luck as well,” his tone had finally lightened up.

While looking at Baylon who was lying in Clint’s lap, he recalled that this girl was too aggressive earlier. However, she had drifted into a deep coma now and her body’s immunity had decreased greatly while being in the radiation belt, which was an abominable environment. This had caused the initial radiation contamination in her body to speed up as well.

Large pieces of rotten grey skin had appeared over Baylon’s face and body now. Most of the skin and flesh on her hands and arms had rotted as well and her bones could almost be seen underneath.

After forcing her to suffer for so many consecutive days, they had thought of every possible method to heal her but could only watch as her condition kept worsening.

“Looks like we can’t save her...” at a glance, Red Moon could already tell that the radiation disease had already entered Baylon’s internal organs by now. After failing to contact Nonosiva many times, he knew that his only hope that Novosiva would send medicine over had been destroyed.

No one understood the radiation disease. When the previous White King had attempted to analyze the essence of the radiation disease, he had ended up failing in the end as well.

Frankly, Red Moon could not bear to watch the kind child-like Baylon gradually inch towards death without being able to do anything.

However, forcing herself to break through previously had caused a great strain on her body. Without enough medication, she would be completely helpless.

“Just give up.”

“What? My Lord, did you say something?” Clint changed his sitting position to make himself more comfortable while cradling Baylon carefully.

“... I said, just give up...”

“What are you saying? Lonnie is still fine. She’s just sleeping because she overexerted herself earlier,” said Clint, smiling.

“You can’t save her anymore...” Red Moon said honestly while his emotions remained downcast. “Without the anti-radiation drugs or the ability to get out of an environment that has been contaminated by radiation, I can’t heal her with my Imprints either...”

“I believe that Lonnie will be fine!” the smile on Clint’s face had disappeared and was replaced by an unfamiliar firmness. “The anti-radiation drugs... will definitely be found...”

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