Under The Veil of Night

Chapter 671 Narrow Escape

"How many buildings left, Neo?" Mike walked over. His clothes were stained with blood as he stood quietly. There were several wounds all over his body because of his battle, but he paid no heed to them.

"Only two," Neo replied. He had prepared the gun in his hand to shoot towards the other building when Mike pulled him back.

Before he could complain, the immense pressure hit him. His face turned ugly as he looked at the stairs through the window. Standing quietly, a large man was looking around with his intense gaze.


Internally, Neo cursed out. He was about to hide when the man near the stairs had dashed towards them. Feeling alarmed, Mike quickly pulled Neo to the back while he pounced to Ferdinand.


Their fist collided.

Mike’s face changed abruptly. He could feel his fist was broken in that one exchange. Fear sprouted from the bottom of his heart.


This man had just destroyed his fist in one attack. Before Mike could react, Ferdinand stretched his other hand and caught Mike’s collar. His green iris looked back at Mike with an indiscernible gaze.


Just when Mike was about to attack, he heard the insult from Ferdinand. His blood boiled in anger. His feet moved forward, attempting to kick the man in front of him.

However, Ferdinand had thrown him to the back. Mike was stunned to see the floor and ceiling in a circle. His body spun midair as he landed on the middle of the stairs going down. Just before he could stabilize himself, his feet slipped. With a loud bang, he crashed the wall.

"Mike!" Neo was startled. This was the first time he saw Mike lost that terribly. His eyes looked back at Ferdinand as he pulled the trigger of his gun that he had prepared before.

Ferdinand frowned and moved sideways, evading the large bullet. "Do you think...?"


The bullet hit the pillar for the tower. As the tower was made rather small, there was only one large pillar that supported the structure. With the pillar broke, the upper part of the tower started to sway to the other side and the ceiling was destroyed.

Bam! Bang! Bruk!

Seeing that the building was broken, Ferdinand spared no time to care about Neo anymore. He moved to the other side of the room and destroyed the rubbles that were about to hit him.

Right now, he felt rather annoyed, but he didn’t show any trace of his feeling. As a former soldier, he was trained to have a poker face most of the time. This resulted in him didn’t have many expressions on his face. With nimble movement that didn’t suit his large body, he moved to the save place.

The surrounding was completely destroyed. Thankfully, there was a building near the tower that still stood properly. The tower was hanging on top of the ceiling of the other building, which barely supported it.

Ferdinand’s eyes narrowed. He had to go to the upper floor because there were some items that he needed. Glancing around, he didn’t find the two rats that managed to sneak inside.

He picked up his communication device and started making a call to his subordinates.

"Vena, Cain, everyone who is still alive should gather in the tower."

As Ferdinand walked away, Neo slowly made his way out of the rubbles. He gasped for air when he managed to get his head out. Looking around, he didn’t find any trace of Ferdinand.

’Thankfully, he’s not here.’

However, his situation was far from good. His feet stuck because there was a table not far where he stood. As the result, the table crashed to his feet, making him unable to move at all.

"Neo, are you there?" Mike’s voice sounded from below.

Neo’s eyes lit up in relief. At the very least, Mike was not far from him. "Over here, Mike."

Mike’s head appeared from below the rubbles. He looked at Neo’s head as a smile made its way to his face. Using his left hand, he propped himself up to the open space and walked towards Neo.

"It’s good that you manage to bury him."

Neo didn’t immediately answer. He saw that Mike’s right hand was hanging low without energy. In addition, there were numerous traces of dust and blood all around Mike. The crash this man had to the wall must have broken most of his body’s part, mostly the skin as some parts were bleeding.

"I didn’t bury him. I think he headed ahead to the top of the tower," Neo pointed to the other side.

"I see," Mike crouched down and removed several rubbles around Neo’s head. This allowed Neo to move freer. However, he soon found out that Neo couldn’t move from his position.

"My feet stuck."

"I can’t go there to help you out," Mike pondered. "Should I cut your feet off?"

Neo’s face turned ugly. "If you dare to joke around, I’ll shoot you, Mike."

"I don’t have any other option," Mike shrugged. They didn’t have any other option as they didn’t know where Ferdinand would return. If they stayed here too long, they would surely die on Ferdinand’s hand.

"Pull me."


"I said pull me up," Neo told Mike seriously.

Mike frowned, but he still did as Neo told him. Neo held onto his left hand as he pulled the former up. With each pull, Neo could feel that his ankle would dislocate, but he didn’t say anything. The sharp end of the broken woods caused his foot to bleed.

After a few tries, his foot came out from the place it stuck. Blood oozed out from the cuts here and there, causing horrible sight in front of them.

"Help me get down quickly."

"We can only use the stairs, get up on my back," Mike crouched before Neo.

Neo could see that Mike’s back was filled with bruises. However, there was simply no more time. With no other choices, he climbed on Mike’s back as they headed to the stairs.

Mike hurriedly trotted down the stairs as fast as possible. With his body filled with wounds and Neo on his back, it took him much longer to reach the first floor.

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