Marvel's Superman

Chapter 438 - 436 | The Final Winner Of The Competition.

Chapter 438 - 436 The Final Winner Of The Competition.

The morning light rose from the horizon. The pale golden glow and the turquoise water reflected on one another, giving rise to sparkling waves.

Above the majestic palace, there were some noises that were rare in everyday life.

In the center of the empty athletic square, there were many heavily armed Amazon female soldiers.

They were wearing armor and were armed.

Lining up neatly like an army, waiting for the arrival of the honorable Queen.

Hippolyta, dressed in a luxurious robe, stood in the wide stands above the square.

Bathed in the golden light, the Amazon Queen was full of holiness and grace.

Like the Gods on Mount Olympus, people unconsciously wanted to worship her.

"Brave Amazon warrior, the glory of Gaia, the Mother of Earth, has blessed us. For thousands of years, Themyscira has been independent of the world, and no one could set foot on this fertile land blessed by the gods. Now, mankind has discovered us, and the two civilizations have met for the first time. I\'m determined to send a messenger of peace to contact the outside world and spread Amazon\'s concept of peace to all sides. She will become a friendly bridge between the two civilizations …"

"My people, fight for honor and peace!"

Luke sat on the high platform, next to the cold-blooded General Antiope and the mature Amazon Queen.

He was very interested, looking around, enjoying this unique contest.

Amazon\'s athletic event was somewhat similar to the Olympic Games in the world of man.

Various traditional events had appeared one after another, such as archery, javelin throwing, and chariot driving … all symbolizing the competition between courage and strength.

The innate talent, coupled with the blessings of the gods, gave the Amazon people stronger physical qualities than normal humans.

Since childhood, they had been influenced by martial arts, and everyone was a natural warrior.

Luke watched carefully and compared it with the popular boxing matches in the world of man.

These athletic and physically gifted female warriors were more likely to attract his attention.

After all -- it was much more exciting when women fought!

"Traveler, how do humans face powerful enemies? Are they as brave and fearless as Amazons?"

Hippolyta laughed softly, with a hint of pride in her tone.

As an Amazon who had been favored by Gaia, she had enough confidence to reveal such an attitude.

In the view of the Amazon Queen, people living in the outside world hated each other, were full of greed, were constantly in conquest, and didn\'t have the courage and kindness of the Amazon people.

"We rely on wisdom."

Luke smiled and replied.

"Human beings aren\'t as strong as beasts, and they don\'t have the long-life Amazons\' have. So, we learn knowledge and create tools, and we have a strong passion for exploring the unknown."

"If we can\'t roam the ocean and lurk in the deep sea like marine creatures, we would build ships and submarines."

"If we want to fly to the blue sky, we would build gliders and airplanes."

"Knowledge and wisdom are our weapons, just as Amazon people rely on spears and swords. There are also brave warriors among us, who would face formidable enemies with a passionate heart."

Luke said lightly. Whether it was the original world or the Themyscira, he was in…

These races, who thought they were superior to human beings, always held a condescending attitude.

But they didn\'t know that the innate and powerful talent that gave them a temporary lead over mankind had deprived them of the motivation to move forward.

For example, Asgard, for thousands of years, was still in the medieval period of their civilization and hadn\'t climbed to a higher level of civilization.

However, it took only a few hundred years for mankind to advance at an explosive rate of growth.

"Wisdom is a rarer gift than valor."

Feeling Luke\'s unassuming and relaxed attitude, Hippolyta nodded.

Next to her, the female General, Antiope, had a contemptuous look in her eyes.

\'A man who can only talk! Tsk…\'

\'How can you defend your home and protect your fellow citizens without a strong army?\'

The competition in the arena was in full swing. With the passing of competitions, fewer and fewer female soldiers were left in the center of the arena.

Finally, there were only two Amazons left, wearing helmets and masks, holding swords and shields, and using their ancient and subtle fighting skills on each other.

The dull sound of metal clashing, the two solid shields ruthlessly colliding, and the long sword strikes emitting a powerful sound. The wonderful battle had attracted countless Amazons outside the field, cheering like a tide.

At this time, the sun rose high in the sky, and in the dazzling sunshine, the two female soldiers showed off the bravery and courage of the Amazon.

The sword blade slashed through with a graceful arc, dodging the swift and fierce attack and thrusting forward!


It smashed the shield!

Blood splashed out!

A female soldier fell to her knees and covered her injured right arm.

The other side\'s strength was better than hers, and she lost the ability to continue fighting. She had no choice but to throw down her weapons and declare defeat.

A tsunami of cheers erupted like a fierce wave.

The victorious female warrior raised her sword, slender and vigorous, creating a beautiful silhouette.

The clean face hidden behind the mask showed a happy smile.

She was eager to be recognized. Every Amazon wanted to be a powerful warrior, which was a great honor and achievement.

"There is no doubt of the bravery of the Amazon people. I look forward to meeting the female warrior who will be traveling with me."

Luke\'s eyes twinkled as he spoke with profound meaning.

The Amazon Queen, who was sitting next to him, slightly changed her expression. Then, she regained composure.

Then came the highly anticipated coronation ceremony. Hippolyta slowly stood up from her seat and looked at the female warrior who stepped onto the platform.

Holding back her inner feelings, she quietly said, "Show yourself, brave warrior, and accept the cheers and respect of Amazon people. You will be honored."

Half kneeling on the ground, the female soldier raised her hand and took off her helmet. Her long black hair fell like a waterfall.

That delicate and clean little face revealed a hearty and cheerful smile.



Hippolyta\'s eyes moved slightly, and she sighed.

She didn\'t expect her beloved daughter to disobey her orders and secretly attend this competition.

The outside world was full of malice and chaos. In addition, there was a conflict between Olympus\'s old gods and the new gods, and also Diana\'s origins.

For a variety of complicated reasons, she refused her daughter\'s request, but now … everything was irreversible.

"I never doubted that you would be the pride of the Amazons, Diana."

Hippolyta sighed silently but reluctantly put the golden Star Tiara on her daughter\'s head.

"You will be the bravest warrior in the Amazon and the only messenger to mankind."

Diana rose to her feet. Sword and shield in hand, a crown of shimmering gold, and her black hair flowing behind her.

She turned to look at the young man who gave her confidence, smiling like a victorious Valkyrie.

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