Battling Records of the Chosen One

Chapter 111: Dark Tribes

Chapter 111: Dark Tribes

No different from a normal human, the corpse looked like a strong man with a fire totem on his chest. The totem was not a tattoo but a kind of inborn skin texture.

“It is the corpse of a descendant of Voodoo-barbarian Tribe, one of the three dark tribes of Empire of the Dark. Many of you should have learnt that the greatest enemy of our empire is Empire of the Dark. And among the tribes of Empire of the Dark, only Voodoo-barbarian Tribe is our mortal enemy.”

Shu Sanqi’s voice was cold and hard, like a sword.

While talking, he took the corpse out of the coffin and put it on the test-bed to have all trainees see it clearly.

Lin Xun had read many books in Donglin Town and knew that Empire of the Dark was located on turbulent barren land beyond the western frontier and southwestern frontier of the empire.

It was said that it was an unknown and dangerous place whose territory was much larger than the whole Ziyao Empire and Empire of the Dark was established in it. The whole empire consisted of three dark tribes, including Voodoo-barbarian Tribe, Abyssal Devil Spirit and Moon-ghost Ethnic.

Each ethnic group had an extremely long history which could be traced back to tens of thousands of years.

In history, Ziyao Empire had been in war with Empire of the Dark more than once and defeats were more than victories. Only in recent hundreds of years, the empire gradually stabilized by the great power of the current emperor, making Empire of the Dark dare not invade and realizing the short-lived peaceful situation of the empire.

Of course, these were only one-sided descriptions in books, unable to let Lin Xun have a specific cognition of Empire of the Dark.

However, in front of him was lying the real corpse of a Voodoo-barbarian!

“Voodoo-barbarian Tribe is divided into nine branches, each of which has a unique talent for combat. The corpse in front of you belongs to Fire Barbarian Branch whose power ranks fourth among the nine branches.”

When talking about Voodoo-barbarians, Shu Sanqi was not as compendious as before.

“The whole Fire Barbarian Branch has millions of soldiers comparable to practitioner army in four provinces of our empire. Their leader is called King of Fire Barbarians, one of a handful of terrible creatures. In the whole empire, only the legendary overmatches of Reincarnation Developing Realm can withstand him.”

“Except the Fire Barbarian Branch, the situations of the other eight branches of Voodoo-barbarians are similar.”

“The cultivation realm of Voodoo-barbarians, different from ours, is divided into five levels, including Barbarian Slave, Barbarian Soldier, Barbarian Hercules, Archlich and Spirit Inspiration. The corpse in front of you is a ninth-level Barbarian Slave of Fire Barbarian Branch, equivalent to a practitioner on the ninth level of Martial Realm.”

After the introduction of Shu Sanqi, Lin Xun clearly understood that although Voodoo-barbarians’ realms of strength seemed to be called differently, but actually they were no different from the five realms of practitioners in the aspect of power.

For example, Barbarian Slave was corresponding to the practitioner of Martial Realm.

Barbarian Soldier was corresponding to the practitioner of Gang Spirit Realm.

Barbarian Hercules was corresponding to the practitioner of Sea Spirit Realm. Generally speaking, Barbarian Hercules was also called Voodoo-barbarian Hercules. The one who chased Shia Zhi before in Three Thousand Mountains was a Voodoo-barbarian Hercules having the level comparable to Sea Spirit Realm.


A bright knife appeared in the palm of Shu Sanqi. Upon a skillful shake of his wrist, the fire totem on the chest of the corpse was cut open by the point of the knife and plasma like roaring flame flew out. The internal organs could be seen clearly and the scene was extremely bloody.

Shu Sanqi’s face didn’t change at all. He put his hand directly into the open chest and quickly scooped out a gory heart-shaped meatball with a disgusting smell.

“You have to know everything about your enemies before killing them. The chests of the descendants of Fire Barbarian Branch are all covered with fire totems which will turn to a ‘Fire Totem Armor’ to protect their hearts while combating. At the same time, their hearts are crucial points for them, gathering all their strength of cultivation.”

In the later time, while dissecting the corpse, Shu Sanqi explained the structure and weaknesses of the corpse for the trainees. Although many young boys and girls could hardly stand the stink and bloody smell of the corpse, they still strove to endure and listened carefully. There was no doubt that Shu Sanqi knew Voodoo-barbarian Tribe well, which made people wonder how many Voodoo-barbarians he had killed on earth to have such rich experience and knowledge.

One hour had passed when the introduction was finished. Shu Sanqi washed his hands and asked two attendants to give a book to each trainee.

All knowledge about Voodoo-barbarian Tribe was recorded in the book.

The requirements of Shu Sanqi were very simple. There would be an examination after three days whose contents aimed at the knowledge of Voodoo-barbarian Tribe. Those who passed the examination could gain some accumulated points. Those who failed the examination would be eliminated.

After the course, Lin Xun and other trainees of Camp 39 were brought to a great hall with a big spiritual tattoo formation to have the willpower training.

When Lin Xun went out of the great hall in the evening, both of his legs were a little weak, his face was a little pale, but he still looked calm.

But other trainees seemed different. Some shivered convulsively with their faces twitching; some mumbled to themselves as if possessed; some shouted so as to give full vent to their feelings; and so on and so forth.

There were only eight or nine people who could keep calm like Lin Xun. But the same as Lin Xun’s, their faces were a little pale and there was a trance in their eyes.

The willpower training just now was extremely cruel and abnormal. The big spiritual tattoo formation in the great hall could release the fiery heat, freezing cold, thunderous thump and tempestuous scream which continuously shocked and suppressed the soul and heart.

All these trainees needed to do was sitting quietly there for an hour. Neither cultivation nor any small act was allowed. It was more suffering and tormenting than real fight.

It was the torture and oppression upon the soul and heart, also a kind of training specially aiming at the perseverance of practitioners. Ordinary people even couldn’t hold on for several minutes and then completely collapsed and went crazy.

Anyway, it was surely pretty good that the twenty-eight people including Lin Xun could hold on to the last and were not eliminated.

That was the end of the day’s training.

When knowing this, all people could not help letting out a long sigh of relief. Even the lighthearted guys with rough skin and strong body like Ning Meng had the urge to cry with joy.

The training in this day was fucking cruel!

All kinds of cruel and abnormal training started at four in the morning, including fighting with Golden-flame Spiders, close fighting with trainees of the same camp, standing stink and bloodiness to listen to Shu Sanqi’s course of dissecting the corpse of a Voodoo-barbarian, having willpower training…

It didn’t seem like a lot of training. But each training could almost torture people to death, making them feel like walking through the hell.

Most of the trainees present were high-born. The life they had before was extremely comfortable, with everything they wanted. Who had ever suffered this?

If they did not lay a solid cultivation foundation at the young age, or without excellent aptitude and ability, they couldn’t hold on.

The experience of the day made every one deeply understand what Bloodthirsty Camp was. Everything here couldn’t be described with cruelty, but abnormality!

The dinner was very rich, even with a real elixir!

Elixir was the essence of spiritual medicines, with magic efficacy. It was extremely precious and rare because only the master in refining medicine could refine it.

The elixir prepared at the dinner of Bloodthirsty Camp was called “Condensate Pill”. It was a high-grade panacea used to refine cultivation and dredge the main and collateral channels. Such an elixir was worth ten imperial silver coins outside the Bloodthirsty Camp!

It could be seen that as long as one could finish the brutal training every day without being eliminated, he could also enjoy great benefits.

A day’s training ended after dinner. All trainees returned to the place of residence and could not go out without orders.

Lin Xun still stayed in the cramped and dark cave. The day’s brutal training made him exhausted and he wanted to sleep at once.

Swinging his head violently, Lin Xun managed to keep up his spirit. He swallowed the Condensate Pill brought back from dinner and then started to focus on cultivation.

Among the twenty-eight trainees of the Camp 39, he was the only practitioner on the sixth level of Martial Realm. The cultivation of others was mainly over the eighth level of Martial Realm, and even the ones on the seventh level of Martial Realm were rare.

Lin Xun also knew that he was not comparable to those guys at present.

The trainees, such as Ning Meng, Shi Yu, Qi Can, Wen Mingxiu, Lee Qiu and Mou Lengshin, all had extraordinary backgrounds. They were doomed to be different from others from the moment they were born.

They enjoyed endless resources for cultivation. The martial arts they practiced, the panaceas they ate and the cultivation education they accepted, could be counted as ones of the very best in the world. They had huge advantages since they were born.

Compared with them, Lin Xun was poor. Because his spiritual vein was stolen, he was feeble and sick since childhood and almost could not conduct cultivation. At the age of thirteen, his cultivation still stagnated on the second level of Martial Realm.

He was no different from a loser.

Thanks to “Heaven-accessing Place”, the path of Lin Xun’s cultivation was completely changed. In less than a year, he broke through, rose to a higher level continuously and even reached the sixth level of Martial Realm.

The promotion speed was surely amazing. But compared with other trainees of the camp, after all, Lin still had a long way to go for catching up with them in cultivation.

For example, Lin Xun considered the Condensate Pill as a treasure. But Ning Meng did not think so, and at dinner he said he had seen it as jelly bean to eat since childhood and it was nothing.

And Lin Xun learned from Ning Meng that only among the trainees of the Camp 39, there were over ten powerful roles who could have broken through to Gang Spirit Realm.

Ning Meng was one of them. Besides him, people such as Shi Yu, Qi Can and Wen Mingxiu were the same.

They did not choose to break through because they wanted to consolidate their own Taoist bases and temper cultivation to the true limit. Then, when they rose to Gang Spirit Realm, they could have terrible power far beyond the ordinary!

Moreover, the stronger the base, the more beneficial it would be for later cultivation.

If a practitioner without a solid base blindly pursued promotion speed, he was like a castle in the air, pleasant to the eye but of no use. And it would greatly hinder and affect the later cultivation, doing more harm than good.

This was the cultivation education the children of rich and powerful families accepted. Even if they were domineering, arrogant or foppish, the environment in which they grew up and edification of the elder made them doomed to take fewer detours in cultivation. The children from poor families could not be comparable to them in these aspects. This was the reality.

At present, if Lin Xun wanted to catch up with or surpass this kind of person, he could only put in more effort and time.

Complaint and cynicism could never solve the problem.

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