Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 175 Lunch Meeting

While walking toward the meeting room, Queen opened up about her meeting.

She kept in close contact with the prime minister and was regularly updated on all important national matters. Weekly meetings between the pair have taken place since she became the monarch in 1952.

" That\'s impressive. You have been doing it for fifty years." Jane said with admiration.

" It\'s nothing special. They tell me what is going on or if they have any problems, and sometimes I can help in some way.

They know I can be impartial, and it is nice to feel one is a sponge.

Occasionally one can put one\'s point of view, and perhaps they have not seen it from that angle."

No special advisers attended, and there was no official record of what was said. It was completely private.

The British monarch no longer had political power but maintained key ceremonial duties related to Parliament.

The monarch remained constitutionally empowered to exercise the royal prerogative against the advice of the prime minister or the cabinet but would likely only do so in emergencies or where existing precedent did not adequately apply to the circumstances in question.

" That\'s an odd hobby," Samuel said. Sticking with a fifty-year-old routine was hard for him to grasp.

" Well, you don\'t know how many Prime ministers were nervous when they first took over. Theresa is also one of them, it is only her first time, and she had to uphold the standards that her predecessors have set."


" She is the second-ever female prime minister. You have heard how the \'Iron Lady\' had one of the longest runs. She is similar, that\'s why."

Samuel should have paid more attention to it, but it was definitely different from the future. There should not have been such an elected person; it was different from the source.

It might be good if he was acquainted with her, especially someone of her calibre.

They entered the dining hall to find the person was already waiting for them. The Queen introduced them.

" This is Theresa, you can call her Tess, and this is my grandson, Samuel. He will be joining us today. In the back is his attendant, Jane."

" It is nice to meet you. I am sure you know me, but there is no need to keep it formal." Theresa said. She stood up to welcome them.

Jane was exceptionally nervous during her greeting, but she was prepared for whatever Samuel threw at her this time.

However, nothing of that sort happened, and they quietly took their seats.

" I feel like I have seen him somewhere?" Theresa thought. Suddenly, she remembered when her nephew had shown her a movie a few months prior.

" Wow, Isn\'t he the star of the upcoming \'Harry Potter movie? I didn\'t know that it was your grandson." She asked.

" Oh, He is already that famous that you noticed. Well, his parents like to keep a low profile; that\'s why you never heard of him."

" Of course, it is everywhere on the news. I heard that the cast was all British."

" You are right. It is so that the film can follow the source material. The fans also clamoured for it."

" Right. I heard that the shooting was over. Were you visiting because you were free?"

" No, I had some business, but Grandma told me you were the best person for the job." Samuel went directly to the point.

Before they could proceed further, the butler entered with a tray in hand. Margaret told him to prepare some gifts and gave him some hints about her sister.

The Queen particularly liked a gin and Dubonnet cocktail before she tucked it into her lunch. That was why he arranged for the best people to buy the most expensive.

He also brought a few people to prepare the drink on-site.

" What\'s this? Are we drinking?" Theresa said curiously.

" Grandma likes this kind of drink, so I arranged someone for it. It is a small gift that I prepared."

" How do you know my taste- oh, Sister must have told you. Thank you." She said while taking the glass from the tray.

" I hope you like it."

" I will."

" You mentioned some job? What do you mean by that?"

While Samuel explained the situation, the food was being served.

There were some grilled fish or chicken, as Queen tended to stay away from starch for her meal at lunch.

Some simple plate of fruits and vegetables: chicken with salad, Dover sole with wilted spinach and some baked bread.

It was nothing special; most of the people in this country ate the same meal.

" It doesn\'t appear to be a big deal. Your Majesty could have handled it." After listening to Samuel, Theresa concluded.

" It\'s better that you act. It would be good for your approval rating and public image. Right?"

" That is true."

"Besides, the Royal family should not move carelessly, or we will be demonised by the public again."

" I understand. It was a good choice that you were discreet about it so far. But is it really okay for a kid to be involved in this?" She asked the Queen.

" We all have to learn; some do it earlier than others. There is nothing wrong with it."

" If you say so. I will personally question the Director; I hope he can give me a satisfactory answer."

" There goes your composure. How many times have I told you to think rationally? You don\'t have to be a bully to care for one."

" I understand."

" I should leave you to it then. It is a long way home; I also have to talk to the family." Samuel didn\'t want to wait anymore; besides, his work here was done.

" You are leaving already?" The Queen said disappointingly.

" I will visit again, Grandma, I promise."

They exchanged a few more words before Samuel said his goodbye.

Theresa felt responsible because of her their meeting was cut short, but Samuel was the one who dropped by suddenly. It was not her fault.

After Samuel and Jane left. They resumed their conversation.

" He looks quite promising," Theresa commented.

" That he is. I was also surprised the first time I met him."

" I don\'t understand. Isn\'t he your grandson? Don\'t tell me it\'s an illegitimate child. No, it all makes sense; I know all the royal members, but I never heard of him before." She said it out loud.

" Hahahaha", The Queen laughed instead of being angry about her remarks.

" Is it that funny? " Theresa was embarrassed.

" No, no. It\'s just amusing. That\'s right; he never mentioned his full name. That\'s Samuel Rothschild, the one from my sister\'s side."

" ROTHSCHILD? that famous new heir that came out of nowhere?"

" Yes, in the flesh. It was good that you both could meet. With elections coming up, they could support your campaign well."

" But they have always been neutral. More importantly, you really planned everything."

" I am helping a friend beside me; Samuel is already a successful businessman. He could single-handedly be your backer without using his family name."

" Tell me more. How come I never heard of him? "

" No, you should find out on your own. But please help him; I am sure he would repay your favour somehow."

" Alright."

This event caused ripples across several people\'s lives. Clark, who was barred before, was given full freedom to investigate, while Liam, arrogant about his position, found himself in hot waters.

He didn\'t know, but this investigation marked the end of his career as he would be buried like an old stack of paper or transferred to a remote location for his involvement.

But that would happen in the future; it was time to hunt the mastermind behind the racket. With enough support they would show themselves sooner or later.

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