Book Eater

Chapter 267: Three Days Free (1)

Chapter 267: Three Days Free (1)

Meltor’s strikes at the border allowed both northern powers to openly prepare for full-fledged war. Unlike the Central Continent, which hadn’t experienced large wars in centuries, the two northern superpowers clashed between two to three times each century for many centuries.

As a result, Meltor’s war machine was a masterpiece of logistics. Merchants moved military supplies without a hitch, and residents filled their local drafting quotas to overflowing.

Nevertheless, a war was a war. It was a symbol of bloodshed that could never be rationalized. Regardless of victory or defeat, the weight of the bloodshed and corpses wasn’t light.

Manavil’s energetic streets were now filled with a strange tension, while the residential areas which were usually filled with laughter were silent. Fortunately, Meltor was used to war, so there weren’t any large disturbances. After all, war meant disaster would sweep the kingdom.

“Hrmm.” Kurt III looked around him.

Maybe today will be an exception.

This was the prelude to the unification war, so it was natural to see a veil of seriousness around the royal palace. However, the atmosphere in the meeting room was strangely joyous. Veronica had accomplished her mission, but Orta’s failure and injury hadn’t been in their predictions. Meanwhile, the small-scale engagements on Karul Plains were at a lull. So why was everyone excited in this situation?

However, Kurt understood their feelings. “... It would be hard to keep a cool head today.”

Their hero, Theodore Miller, had returned to Manavil the day before. There was no reason to keep it secret, so the news had been made public. Theo had come a long way, but the meeting with him had been delayed by a day to give him a chance to rest and calm the populace.

However, in retrospect, one day wasn’t enough for the excitement to settle. Even Kurt clenched his fists with a jubilance that he didn’t allow on his face. Andras was an enemy who was difficult to beat even if they gave it everything they had. An extra senior magician wouldn’t tip the scales. However, a master who had proven his capability in combat was an entirely different matter.

... A hero whose name alone would make the army want to fight! If Theo were in front of him right now, Kurt would’ve grabbed his shoulders without regard for his dignity.

“Your Majesty!” From behind the firmly closed door, a servant cried out in a slightly trembling voice, “Quattro’s Captain! Marquis Theodore Miller is asking to enter!”

He had come. It was the appearance of the hero they had been discussing, so everyone immediately turned in the direction of the entrance.

Kurt inwardly chuckled before solemnly saying, “Send him in.”

The moment the king gave permission, the guards at the door opened it with alacrity. It only took a moment for the guest of honor to confidently enter the meeting room.

He wore the red robe of the Red Tower over the dark blue uniform of Quattro. As Theodore Miller looked up at Kurt with calm blue eyes, the atmosphere around him was more prominent than it had been a year ago.

“Theodore Miller, the captain of the magic division Quattro.” Theo descended to one knee and greeted the king politely. “Before I properly greet the sun of Meltor, I want to apologize for my absence in the past three months.”

“There is no need.” Kurt’s mouth hardened as he spoke. “Everyone gathered here knows what happened. You defended yourself against the despicable actions of the 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem. I can only say that you did well.”

“Your Majesty, still...”

“I won’t allow any objections. Your absence during the past three months was nothing. You have repaid it twenty, no, thirty times by returning alive.”

This scene of a subject who wanted to confess his sins and the king who dismissed them... It was a scene that made the people smile. Theo was touched by Kurt’s firm will.

The king looked at him with satisfied eyes and said, “Normally, there would be a big banquet to welcome you back, but please understand that the timing isn’t good.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

It was then that they moved to the most important topic. Theo and Kurt both knew that Theo was an important figure in the war with Andras. He was a wildcard who could decide victory or defeat in this unification war.

Kurt started, “I assume you’ve been apprised of the White Tower Master’s mission and its outcome?”

Theo nodded solemnly. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Then this conversation will progress faster.”

The preemptive attack, carried out simultaneously by three vanguard units, couldn’t be called good or bad. The fortress that Veronica had destroyed was quite valuable to Andras; however, Orta\'s injury and the loss of seven elite agents was a stinging blow. In a war where masters were key, the injury of a master before the war had truly begun was not a good sign.

“According to his diagnosis, it will take the White Tower Master at least two weeks to recover and return to the battlefield. Those two weeks are our biggest problem.”

“Two weeks... isn’t a short amount of time.”

“That\'s right. Two weeks on the battlefield can cause significant damage to the army if there isn’t a mitigating force. Upon discussion with those present here...” Kurt paused and then spoke the words he’d prepared, “Theodore Miller, I want you to fill that vacancy.”

Theo froze. “Isn’t this a daunting task to be left to me?”

“We discussed it at length.” Kurt grinned at Theo’s concern and pointed to the other occupants.

The core of Meltor’s power was the magic towers. One of the 8th Circle magicians needed to defend the capital at all times, so Veronica and Orta were supposed to take the offensive lead. The chairman of the Magic Society could also go on the front lines, but it wasn’t easy to place him in the vanguard due to his importance.

To put it briefly, Orta’s vacancy was like pulling one of Meltor’s fangs.

“No one has disagreed that you are the only person eligible for this task.”

Theo bowed. “... Thank you.”

Kurt frowned. “I want to give you more time to relax, but I can’t afford it. You are to go to Karul Plains in three days. Quattro and any additional personnel under your command will be there.”

Theo rose to salute Kurt, who got up from his seat.

The envoys from Elvenheim were still far away, and even if Austen immediately dispatched troops, it would take a minimum of a fortnight for them to reach the battlefield. The enemy would be well aware of this, so they would launch an all-out offensive to end the war before Orta recovered. The return of the hero, Theo, was like a ray of light on the battlefield.

“Rest for today, Captain Theo.”

It was only a three day grace period, but Kurt hoped that Theo could unburden his heart during this time. Kurt’s eyes shone brightly.

“Thank you again for returning and for your efforts.”

It was a heartfelt sentiment.


Theo left the meeting room and let out the breath he had been suppressing. “Sigh, it was burdensome in a different way.”

He wasn’t scolded but praised? If he had looked at anyone but the king, he would have been met with everyone else’s shining gazes. Their bloated expectations had been on full display.

Theo felt a burden settle on his shoulders.

Three days... What should I do?

Three days wasn’t a long period of time, but it wasn’t short either. There were a few things he could get done if he invested his time properly. He could meet someone, or he could restore his condition by resting quietly.

Theo was thinking in the garden when he suddenly recalled something he had forgotten.

“Ah, that reminds me, has the automaton not been repaired yet?”

The automaton made from Lloyd Pollan’s body by the Yellow Tower Master, or the grimoire, Paragranum, had broken down three months ago and had yet to repair itself. Was Zest’s aura too strong? Or perhaps his ability to cut space might’ve severely damaged Lloyd’s body. If the Yellow Tower Master could repair it in three days, Theo would have a master level support.

Theo quickly looked in the direction of the Yellow Tower.

“Yellow Tower...” The bright tower shone in the sunlight. The Yellow Tower Master’s main body was always in Manavil, so Paragranum would reveal herself once Theo visited the tower.

“Okay, let’s stop by.” Theo decided on his course of action. After arriving at the crossroads of the four towers, he moved along the road toward the Yellow Tower.

It would take some time to climb to the top of the Yellow Tower. He was thinking about flying there when he heard a familiar yip.


Theo had named the three-tailed fox a word that meant ‘three’. Theo hadn’t been able to bring him into the palace, so he had left him in the garden. So, why were Tres’ cries ringing out around here? Theo immediately strengthened his body and shot toward Tres.

Yiiip...! Yiiiip...!

It only took a few moments to find the fox in front of the Yellow Tower.

“Oh? Long time no see, Gluttony’s host.” Paragranum was holding Tres up, inspecting his tails.

Theo asked carefully, “... Can I ask why you’ve captured that fox?”

“This species isn’t present on the West Continent. I want to dissect it.”

“No!” Theo cried out with horror, taking the fox from her hands and placing him in his robes. The anxious three-tailed fox trembled inside his loose robe pocket.

Paragranum just raised her hands and teased Theo, “It’s just a joke. Well, I would’ve done it if you had given it to me. It is yours, right? I won’t dissect it without paying a reasonable price.”

Theo’s eyes narrowed. “... How did you associate it with me?”

“Hey, I might be stuck in the tower, but don’t underestimate my sources. Didn’t you go to the East and return on a sea dragon? You’re the only one who can bring back a foreign species.”

It was a simple explanation delivered with a chilling smile. After all, she hadn’t intended to dissect the fox without his permission, but she would’ve done it if she had received permission.

... As expected from a grimoire that wasn’t human. Theo shook his head at her inhuman nature. “I’m sorry but I can’t give the fox to you. Rather, I want to show you something.”

Para’s eyes seemed to pierce through him. “Hmm??What is it?”

“Open Inventory.” Theo pulled out the wreckage of the automaton from his left hand.

There were five pieces and a head. It was dripping fluid instead of blood, which looked bizarre.

Paragranum stared at it blankly and soon deduced the cause of the damage. “A high-density aura blade? This isn’t just simple physical force. Didn’t you fight the 2nd Sword? This must be a space cut. The spirit was cut with the body, so it can’t regenerate.”

Theo had learned alchemy from the Fairy\'s Book, so he was able to somewhat follow along. The damage was apparently spiritual, rather than physical. It meant that the automaton’s regeneration ability didn’t work properly because the nucleus had been cut by the Aura Ability.

“Will you be able to fix it quickly?”

“Of course. This isn’t hard for me. But...” Paragranum’s red eyes glinted as she made a circle with her index finger and thumb. “How are you going to pay for it? I’ll need a significant amount of materials to repair this. You might have to dip into the rare materials you got from the laboratory. Can you afford to pay...”

Theo interrupted Paragranum, “Look at this before saying anything else.”

He pulled out the bundle Baekun Mountains’ White Bear had given him. Paragranum’s eyes shone with a strange light as she detected the fragrance leaking from the cloth. Power spots weren’t uncommon on the West Continent, but they were mostly monopolized by dragons, so it was too risky to invade those areas.

However, for some reason, dragons didn’t inhabit the East Continent. Instead, it was common for native spirits to protect the earth and nature from humans. In other words, the materials in this package were rare on the West Continent.

Theo opened the bag in front of Paragranum, who had stiffened, and smiled cheekily. “What was that about my ability to pay?”

“... I take it back.” Paragranum trembled as she grabbed Theo’s hands and stared into his eyes.

The egotistic grimoire abandoned its pride and asked, “What price are you setting for these?”

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