RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 357 True Evolution Part 2

"So even humans have different evolutions as well? No, wait, when humans of my era got their new organ, some turned into strong monsters with black scales. Many even died. What would cause that?" Blake was confused. There was also the reglios. The new race born from human monsters.

"This could be considered a form of de-evolution. Or it could be something else entirely. As if an ancient gene from many eras past became active again. But it is true that every race will evolve and have many different forms. How much they will differ from their original form is another story, though. Some changes can be gradual, like my race, or they will look completely different from before. Take, for instance, the little one sleeping in you. She is currently undergoing her evolution. Although she is a bit special." Gemini\'s words once more confused Blake.

"Are you talking about Little White?" Blake asked.

"If it is the being inside your body then yes," Gemini replied. "She should be finished with her evolution any day now, actually. It seems not all beings in this era do not know how to evolve."

"That…." Blake and Lillia knew she was undergoing an evolution, but it seemed this was the same kind of evolution as Gemini was talking about. Blake held his head. "Wait! Lillia was the one who told me she was evolving, so Lillia, how did you know this was her evolution?"

"It\'s because many monsters evolve in the same way…." Lillia held her head. She did not understand why she had never thought anything of it before. Monsters can evolve, but their evolution is different from what she thought was normal for humanoids!  "I am so dumb!" Lillia suddenly yelled out.

"It seems the old ways of evolution are still there but only for monsters. This is a given since, from what I understand, the ways of evolution came about thanks to monsters. People of the past began to question why monsters were able to change forms after every evolution. They began looking into it, and slowly after many, many long years, they figured it out.

"Monsters are different from you or me. They are able to suck out all the mana from anything they kill, which boosts their ability to gain large amounts of mana. While we can not do this since it is not part of our makeup. As monsters evolve and gain intelligence they, too, begin to lose this ability, especially when they take on a humanoid form.

"Why this happens, no one knows. But the humanoids of the time slowly figured out the secrets of evolution. And then one day, after working very hard, a method to evolve was introduced." Gemini waved her hand. Using magic, she showed a view of her own mana pool. There was no endless sea of mana, just seven blue transparent orbs that looked to be made of crystal floating there. "To evolve once, you need a single mana crystal. Twice you need three. Three times you need seven. And finally, the last final evolution to reach the peak of this world, you need twelve. By using these mana crystals that are attuned to your bloodline, you can stimulate it to allow your body to undergo an evolution.

"For some, it is different. Some monsters will have a humanoid form upon their first evolution. Some will need to wait until they reach the peak. I know this because my naga clan starts off as a monster. Even monsters are able to rise up if they have enough strength. But cross breeding is possible for humanoid monsters. So some races will end up with newborns who are humanoid. Like the girl over there. You were born this way due to cross breeding during the time your race first came into being." Gemini pointed to Titi.

"But even now as I am, even though my bloodline has changed slightly, and Titi can turn into our dragon forms." Lillia wondered what that made her.

"This is also normal for some races. It is not just you dragons. But to truly evolve the first time, you need to turn your condensed mana into a mana crystal. Some call it a mana rock or mana core as well. You can call it what you will, but in the end, it all does the same thing. The mana crystal in your body will be your source of power and turn the current you into someone who is a hundred times stronger. But to actually use it for evolution is a bit more difficult." Gemini sighed as she looked at the people in front of her. She had not talked so much in who knows how long.

Blake could see the loneliness in Gemini\'s eyes. "Gemini, what do you think about coming back with us? I know this is sudden, and yes, I do have my reasons for wanting you to come back with us, like your knowledge for one thing, but I can see that being stuck in this realm is very lonely."

Gemini\'s eyes flashed slightly before shaking her head. "It\'s not that I do not wish to leave with you. I think you and Lillia are truly kind people. But, I am someone who allowed her people to suffer. I can only stay in this magic realm and accompany them for all eternity."

"Gemini, as someone who has lost her entire race as well. With only two half bloods left, I can understand where you are coming from. Wars are bringers of destruction. Lives will be lost. You have to take time and understand that the world around you still needs to go on. But you still have people at your side. Even if they are cursed, they should also not be punished by living an eternity here. Leaving this place and seeing the outside world. Is that not why you opened your magic realm?" Lillia was the one who could sympathize with Gemini the most. She watched her people die before her eyes. She watched her race become almost extinct. And now, there was not much left of her bloodline.

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