Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 57: Cleaning Xiapi’s Goverment

Chapter 57: Cleaning Xiapi\'s Goverment

Jia Xu: "Oh but I have the evidence which was the account books of each of you showing that all of you are embezzling the city funds to enrich yourselves!"

Jia Yu hearing that panicked stood up from his seat and began to yell at Jia Xu that he is bluffing and spreading lies about him and the other officials, especially the high-ranking ones like the head of a department which can cause a massive blow to the city morale

Jia Xu responded by clapping his hand and a servant suddenly comes in bringing a tray full of books, Jia Xu takes one with Jia\'s name on it and show it to him clearly the numbers of money he has is too much with the salary he had as the Governor Of Xiapi

Jia Yu: "Yo-You thief! How dare you enter our house and steal our account books! You must have forged it after stealing it!"

Lie Fan: "I\'ll be the judge of that, let me see those account books"

Jia Yu turns around when he hears Lie Fan\'s voice and sees Lie Fan at the door walking towards them he began to fall onto his seat knowing that his career is finished as his embezzlement of government funds can\'t be hidden anymore

Jia Xu gives the book to him and Lie Fan began to read the account book, seeing the amount of money that Jia Yu himself embezzled is more than the money he have in his system storage which shows how long Jia Yu accumulated this wealth

Lie Fan: "Damn you! This is how you repay the people and the Emperor\'s trust in you?! Men! Come and put him into the dungeon!"

Jia Yu: "M-My Lord?! Please wait a minute and hear my explana- release me I\'m the Governor Of Xiapi! Please have mercy, My Lord!"

Jia Yu was dragged out by City Guards yelling for mercy and a chance to explain himself attracting the attention of the servants there but was ignored by Lie Fan and Jia Xu

Lie Fan asked him how he get this and Jia Xu replied that he send Oriole members that they brought for Xu Province 3 days earlier before they arrive at Xiapi to infiltrate the higher-ranking city officials and search for their main account books that are hidden from him

Lie Fan praises Jia Xu for his ingenuity and cunning method as this can help them to replace the officials in Xiapi without having to think of a reason to demote or fire them as they have evidence of their wrongdoing that can be used as a handle to control them

Lie Fan asks Jia Xu to compose an announcement that Jia Yu have been found embezzling the city funds and was stripped of his position with the investigation team immediately sent to his residence to search for the money\'s whereabouts

Jia Xu suggested for Jia Yu be executed while his family is banished from Xiapi with all their wealth stripped from them except 6-month wages from Jia Yu\'s position as the Governor Of Xiapi

The punishment can be considered to be not that heavy as they will use this as a lesson to the others that Lie Fan knew what they are doing and give them a chance to either step down from their post or give 80% of their funds that they embezzled back to Xiapi

Lie Fan agrees and hopes that tomorrow the announcement can immediately be publicized he will send letters to the Imperial Prince that held the King title of Pei Kingdom hoping that Chen Gui can be sent back to Xiapi in return he will help his Kingdom to eliminate the Yellow Turbans remnant in his region

Jia Xu goes on to make the announcement and Lie Fan makes the letter so it can be sent today, after spending 1 hour they are finally done making their respective missive and Lie Fan gave his to Jia Xu to be checked

After reading it, Jia Xu found no problem with the letter and Lie Fan calls for a messenger to take this letter and sent it to the Imperial Prince as this is important for the future of Xiapi development

Lie Fan appointed Jia Xu as the acting Governor until Chen Gui arrived at Xiapi if the Imperial Prince approve it and doesn\'t need more sway, Lie Fan also tell Jia Xu about Wang Lang and how he can be an asset here in Xu Province

Jia Xu: "I\'m undecided about the Lord\'s assessment of this Wang Lang but I do know this Yang Ci and his work is some of the best in the recent era"

Lie Fan: "Then why don\'t you meet him and assess him yourself he is staying in Xiapi as his teacher\'s home is here and maybe you can test him also like helping you in taking care of administrative work"

Jia Xu: "Hmmm fine I can do that, My Lord"

Lie Fan knows the talent that Wang Lang has as he is from the future world so he understands Jia Xu is skeptical of Wang Lang\'s aptitude as his position doesn\'t help him much in proving his talent

So 3 weeks passed by and Xiapi\'s high-ranking government is turned upside down by Jia Xu, the announcement of Jia Yu\'s execution and the banishment of his family alarmed every high-ranking official as this catch them off guard

Lie Fan accompanied by Jia Xu in the morning meeting appointed Jia Xu as the acting governor Jia Xu shows his mastery in intrigue warfare towards them when he showed everyone their account book and give them the choice that he suggest to Lie Fan before

Many of them choose to give the funds back as they feel that if they stepped down their position will be under more threat as Lie Fan can just wipe them out without any explanation silently to take the money back

Ze Rong who hasn\'t gone towards the dark Buddhist path was shocked to see many high-ranking officials embezzling the funds that can be used to pay his soldier better salaries and better equipment angering him

Lie Fan saw that he was angry and praised him for not doing the same thing inwardly thinking that maybe this is the cause of his turning to banditry in the future, Ze Rong refused the praise and apologize for not knowing better about this

Seeing his sense of justice isn\'t nullified yet, Lie Fan asks for him to join his army outside bringing 10.000 men from Xiapi to combine the army and appointing him as the Commander of the Xiapi regiment

After the morning meeting, Jia Xu began to transform almost all of Xiapi\'s administrative work and when Wang Lang visited Lie Fan he was taken to the side by Jia Xu Quoting needed help to finish the administration work

These 3 weeks were full of surprises for Xiapi officials thanks to Jia Xu cleaning up and changing many things that he feels is not efficient for the improvement of Xiapi

But the biggest surprise is when the Imperial prince replied to his letter agreeing about the trade-off and Chen Gui will be sent to Xiapi alongside his family

Lie Fan was delighted when he read the reply and told Jia Xu about it where Jia Xu is happy as he can go back to the easy work of an advisor and strategist, they prepared a welcoming banquet for Chen Gui

According to the letter they will arrive in 1 week, as the letter was sent here 1 week ago that means they will arrive today or tomorrow that\'s why the preparation for the banquet is done very fast

A bit far from Xiapi, a fleet of carriages flying the banner of the Chen Clan and Han Dynasty was traveling to Xiapi guarded by soldiers moving at a steady pace

Chen Deng: "Father the Prince is too outrageous! How can accept the request from the Inspector Of Xu Province to send us back to Xiapi?!"

Chen Gui: " Deng\'er you know that the Prince hates me for always criticizing him for imposing large taxes and this is an opportunity for him to get rid of me while having the inspector army clean up his region for him"

Chen Deng: "But Father you\'re doing that for his good, can\'t he that large taxes is one of the reasons that the Yellow Turban rebellion happened!"

Chen Gui ignored what Chen Deng said and keeps telling his son to calm down, taking this as a lesson that not all people they served will have a great mind and open heart and better pray the Young Inspector is like that or at least better than the prince

Chen Gui then turned his head and looks out through the carriage window seeing the blue sky lamenting how the Han Dynasty is corroding from the inside with foreign enemies like the Xiongnu watching them fall apart

The next day, Lie Fan brought Jia Xu alongside his bodyguards and some high-ranking officials of Xiapi to receive Chen Gui and his family

From afar they saw a fleet of carriages driving toward them, Lie Fan immediately walk out through the gate to receive them even though there is still some distance before they arrived

Chen Gui was informed that people were waiting for them in front of the gate, hearing that he told the driver to drive faster as he don\'t know if the people waiting for them is important or not as he doesn\'t want to offend anyone in his first day arriving at Xiapi

When Lie Fan saw the fleet arrive in from of them, he shout welcoming words to receive Chen Gui and his Family

Lie Fan: "Welcome Master Chen Gui, thank you for coming to Xiapi on this eventful journey from Pei Kingdom and I\'m sorry that you have to step down from your position as the Chancellor of Pei Kingdom because of my request"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 140 -> 145

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 256.700


STR: 385

VIT: 155

AGI: 162

INT: 165

CHR: 90

WIS: 130

WILL: 105

ATR Points: 0

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